Peugeot Instinct Concept, now official

The Instinct Concept is a timeless shooting brake that is powered by a combined 300 hp plug-in hybrid engine with four-wheel drive. It is likely to have a front combustion engine and a rear axle powered by electricity, but no details have been given. All in all, it's a prototype that won't be on the road. It's a five-door, in the first image I completely believed it had three doors. Yes, they are well disguised, yes...

The most interesting thing about the car is not the aerodynamic management, or its "transformer" headlights, or the five-arm wheels, or the triple coat of paint. What is relevant is how Peugeot has approached this car, and what all that has to do with the name, "instinct".

Hidden inside the LED front light clusters are cameras that allow the car to "see" its surroundings.

Peugeot Instinct Concept, now official

For starters, this car gathers information from multiple sources: mobile phone, tablet, wristwatch, internet... all of that is put together in a digital blender and results in a profile. The car knows the owner like his mother: his habits, where he has to go, what music he likes, his favorite roads, what times he prefers to go to sleep and what times he prefers to devour curves... The unromantic part of this is that this information will travel through the cloud (Samsung ARTIK Cloud), encrypted, but through the cloud. Of course, you can choose what to share with the car and what not, as the history of xHamster.

It is able to learn, thanks to deep learning technology through algorithms.

This car will be fully integrated in the Internet of Things, connected with home automation, mobile devices, social networks, etc. For example, the press release talks about the case where the owner leaves the house and the car is waiting for him with the same music that was playing in the living room. This is on the one hand a bit distressing, but on the other hand... there will be those who love it. You can also chat with the car, make orders, like ordering a pizza before you get home or buy that thing you're going to forget in an online store.

What interests us most, driving, the Peugeot Instinct has four driving modes: autonomous soft (Autonomous soft), autonomous optimal (Autonomous sharp), manual driving with assistance (Drive relax) and manual driving little assisted (Drive boost, similar to a current car). The car will allow both to do what we've been doing all our lives, and to go slower while we take a snooze. The seats change their morphology to favour comfort when awake, in relax mode or fried. The behaviour of the lighting or the music system changes accordingly.

Peugeot Instinct Concept, now official

In autonomous modes, the steering wheel and pedals are concealed to give more space.

Peugeot Instinct Concept, now official

No B-pillar, no window frames, a daring proposition

The driver is in control at all times, even in autonomous mode you can give orders to overtake or change the route. The optimal autonomous mode tries to arrive in the shortest time possible -legally- and the smooth mode favors comfort even if it takes longer. To tell the truth, even thinking like a petrolhead, I don't see anything wrong with all this, because you can choose.

Thanks to gadgets many things in our lives have been simplified, such as having the agenda synchronized between all our gadgets, always have at hand what we like or access to information to the "now". We must remember that this has never been so simple, and that things were not necessarily better before because they were more complicated. What you are reading, which now seems like science fiction, is just around the corner.

The following video gives way to others that are very interesting about this model. Some prophecies will fail in the medium term, but most of what it promises is quite achievable:

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