Problem on the board when pressing the brake - Solutions and explanations

Problema en el tablero al pisar el freno - Soluciones y explicaciones


Welcome to, where we care about solving all your doubts related to the problems of your vehicle. In this article, we'll address one of the most common driver concerns: dash lights coming on when you hit the brakes. We will explore the possible causes of this problem and provide you with solutions to resolve it. Read on for all the information you need!

Why do the dashboard lights come on when braking?

If when you step on the brake you notice the dashboard lights come on, it's important to understand that this may be indicative of a problem with the vehicle's braking system or electrical system. Here are some possible causes:

1. Brake switch problems

One of the most common reasons for dashboard lights to come on when braking is a brake switch failure. This switch is located near the brake pedal and is activated when the pedal is depressed. If the switch is faulty, it can send the wrong signal to the electrical system, causing the dash lights to come on. In this case, the solution would be to replace the brake switch.

2. Wear on the brake pads

Another possible cause of the dashboard lights coming on when braking is excessive wear on the brake pads. When the pads are worn, the braking system can detect a drop in pressure and activate warning lights on the dash. In this case, the solution would be to replace the brake pads with new ones.

3. Problems in the electrical system

If none of the above causes seem to be responsible for the problem, there may be a fault in the vehicle's electrical system. A short or faulty wiring can cause your dash lights to come on when you hit the brakes. In this case, it is recommended to go to an automotive electrical specialist to carry out a thorough review and repair any electrical problems.

How to solve the problem?

Once you've identified the cause of your dash lights coming on under braking, it's important to take the necessary steps to fix the problem. Here are some solutions you can consider:

1. Replace the brake switch

If the brake switch is defective, the most effective solution is to replace it with a new one. You can purchase a brake switch that is compatible with your vehicle at an auto parts store or go to a specialized shop to perform the installation.

2. Change the brake pads

If the wear of the brake pads is the cause of the problem, it is necessary to replace them. Remember that worn brake pads can not only cause dashboard lights to come on, but also affect the effectiveness of the braking system. Go to a trusted mechanical workshop to change the brake pads.

3. Repair the electrical system

In case the problem is related to the electrical system, it is essential to have the help of a specialist. An automotive electrician will be able to identify and repair any faults in the vehicle's wiring or electrical components. Do not try to carry out electrical repairs on your own if you do not have the necessary knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I keep driving if the dash lights come on when braking?

If your dash lights come on when you brake, it's important that you don't ignore the problem. Even if you can continue driving, it is recommended that you go to a mechanical workshop as soon as possible to have them check and solve the problem. Driving with a faulty braking system can be dangerous and compromise your safety and that of others.

2. Can I repair the brake switch by myself?

If you have knowledge and experience in auto mechanics, you may be able to perform brake switch repair yourself. However, if you are not sure what you are doing, it is recommended that you go to an auto shop to have the repair done. Mishandling of electrical components can cause additional damage or even endanger your safety.


In short, if your dash lights come on when you hit the brakes, it's important to identify the cause of the problem and take the necessary steps to fix it. Whether it is replacing the brake switch, changing the brake pads or repairing the electrical system, it is essential to have the help of professionals to ensure a proper repair. Do not ignore these types of problems, as they can affect the safety of your vehicle and those around you. Always remember to drive safely!

We hope this article has been useful and has answered all your questions about the dash lights coming on when braking. If you have any other questions or comments, do not hesitate to write to us. We will be happy to help you!

Until next time!

The team

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