Car check-up deadline: When to do it and what not to forget

Car check-up deadline: When to do it and what not to forget

When to have a review

To understand if you have to do the review, just remember that the first one must be done 4 years after registration and the following ones every 2 years. Those who are late have until the last day of the month in which the previous review was done.

What's new for the review starting in 2019?

The new Audit Certificate went into effect on March 31, 2019. This is an official document that contains a lot of data about the vehicle as well as the result of the service that has just been carried out and the mileage.

The mileage travelled by the vehicle has been introduced precisely to try to put an end to the illegal practice of odometer tampering. Therefore, having an official "history" of the mileage at each service makes it much more difficult to falsify the actual mileage of the car being sold.

If the car fails the inspection, what happens?

As described in our MOT guide, if the car fails, the mechanic will indicate one of the following three options:

  1. Repeat theservice within 30 days. In this case, you will have to find a mechanic, if not the car service centre itself, to repair the faults so you can have the car serviced again.
  2. I repeat, suspended from circulation. If very serious defects are found during the overhaul, for example, damage to the chassis, the overhaul centre is obliged to suspend the car from circulation. You can move the car only to take it to a mechanic to repair the damage. Only then can you book a new service.
  3. Suspended, interior. In this case, the inspection centre has detected minor damage, such as a broken mirror. The inspection is suspended to give the owner time to repair the damage and return to the MRO without having to pay for a second inspection.
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