Lights in vehicles: everything you need to know

Lights in vehicles: everything you need to know


Welcome to our article on vehicle lights and their importance on urban public roads. In this text, we will address the different regulations and recommendations related to the use of lights in cars, as well as proper behavior in urban traffic. If you have questions about when to turn on the lights in your car, which lights are mandatory according to the DGT or how to use the high beams correctly, you have come to the right place. Read on for all the information you need!

1. Mandatory lights on urban public roads

One of the main concerns for drivers is knowing which lights to keep on on urban public roads. According to current regulations, all vehicles must have their position lights or low beams on at night and in low visibility conditions, such as heavy rain or fog. These lights allow the vehicle to be visible to other drivers and pedestrians, thus reducing the risk of accidents.

In addition to position lights, it is mandatory to use dipped beams or low beams when driving on urban roads. These lights provide adequate illumination for the driver, allowing the driver to see the road and obstacles clearly. Remember that it is important to turn on the lights whenever necessary, even during the day in low visibility conditions.

2. DGT regulations on lights in vehicles

The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) is the body in charge of regulating traffic and road safety in Spain. According to DGT regulations, all vehicles must have their position lights or dipped headlights on at night and in low visibility conditions. In addition, it is mandatory to use dipped headlights when driving on urban roads.

It is important to note that the DGT regulations also establish that urban mobility vehicles, such as electric scooters or bicycles, must have front and rear lights at night and in low visibility conditions. These lights allow other drivers and pedestrians to see these vehicles, thus avoiding possible accidents.

3. Correct use of high beams

High beams, also known as high beams, are an essential element for safe driving on the road. However, it is important to use them correctly so as not to dazzle other drivers. According to DGT regulations, high beams should only be used on unlit roads and when there are no other vehicles moving in the opposite direction.

When approaching another vehicle, it is necessary to switch to dipped beam or low beam to avoid dazzling the oncoming driver. Remember that the improper use of road lights can be sanctioned by the DGT, since it endangers road safety.

4. Behavior in urban circulation

In urban circulation, it is essential to adopt responsible behavior and respect traffic regulations. In addition to turning on the proper lights on urban public roads, it is important to observe speed limits, yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles.

Remember that urban traffic can be more complex than on the highway, since there are more interactions with other drivers and pedestrians. Therefore, it is essential to be attentive and anticipate dangerous situations. Using your lights correctly is only one part of safe city driving.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is it mandatory to keep your lights on during the day on urban roads?

It is not mandatory to keep your headlights on during the day on urban roads, unless there are low visibility conditions, such as heavy rain or fog. However, it is advisable to turn on the lights whenever necessary to increase the visibility of the vehicle and reduce the risk of accidents.

2. What lights must urban mobility vehicles have?

Urban mobility vehicles, such as electric scooters or bicycles, must have front and rear lights at night and in low visibility conditions. These lights allow other drivers and pedestrians to see these vehicles, thus avoiding possible accidents.


In short, vehicle lights are an essential element for road safety on urban public roads. It is mandatory to keep the position lights or low beams on at night and in low visibility conditions, as well as use the low beams when driving on urban roads. In addition, it is important to use the main beam correctly and adopt responsible behavior in urban traffic. Always remember to respect traffic rules and be aware of road conditions. Drive safe!

We hope this article has been useful and has resolved all your questions about vehicle lights. If you have any additional questions, feel free to leave a comment. We would love to hear your opinion and respond to your concerns!

Until next time!

The team

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