License renewal cost: ASL, ACI or driving school?

License renewal cost: ASL, ACI or driving school?

How much does it cost to renew your license?

Sooner or later all of us drivers have to renew our licenses and that's when we wonder how much it costs to renew. As with many bureaucratic practices in the automobile, the cost of renewing a license is made up of fixed costs and variable costs.

The fixed costs are mainly due to the costs required by the Civil Motorization and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The variable costs are influenced by the choice of the place where the driving licence is renewed.

Depending on where the practice is done, the cost of renewing the license can range from 60 to 150 euros.

What are the fixed costs of renewing a driving licence?

Wherever you go to do your license renewal there are some components of the renewal cost that remain fixed. These costs are in fact dictated by the Ministry and are the same for each place where the renewal is done.

The fixed costs of license renewal are as follows:

  • 10,20 Euro - DDT (Department of Land Transport) payment.
  • 16,00 euros - payment of the Civil Motorization
  • 6,80 euros - delivery of the driving license at home

What are the variable costs of license renewal?

The cost of renewing a licence is also made up of variable elements depending on the location of the practice. The main variable cost elements that influence the cost of renewing your license are:

  • Medical examination for the medical certificate - from 30 to 100 euros.
  • The cost of the secretarialfiles - from 20 to 50 euros.
  • Photographic cards - from 4 to 10 euros.

Below we see what are the different options to renew your license.

What are the options for the cost of license renewal?

As already mentioned, the cost of license renewal varies depending on where you go to carry out the practice of renewal. In fact, each driver can choose according to his or her availability and preferences. You can choose to save time and pay a little more or, on the contrary, save a few euros but have a longer procedure.

Listed below are the different options with the corresponding driving licence renewal:

  • Driving school - from 100 to 170 euros.
  • ACI - from 60 to 100 euros
  • ASL - from 70 to 90 euros
  • RFI (Italian Railway Network) - about 80 euros

How much does it cost to renew an ACI license?

Many Italians rely on one of the many ACI offices scattered throughout Italy to carry out the renewal of their driving licence. The practice carried out at the ACI usually includes both the medical examination and the management of the documentation.

The cost of renewing an ACI license starts from 60 to 100 Euros. This variation is due to different regional fees.

How much does it cost to renew an ASL license?

Those who have time and want to save a few euros can go to the relevant ASL office for the renewal of their driving licence. The element that can delay the practice is the booking of the medical examination, which could be months after the application date.

In this case the medical examination has a cost which is usually around 45 euros. To calculate the total cost of renewing the ASL licence we must not forget the various stamps and revenue slips which bring the cost to around 90 euros.

What is the cost of renewing the driving license?

Relying on the driving school closest to your home will save time but will also increase costs.

The driving school is, in fact, the option with the highest renewal cost, ranging between 100 and 170 euros.

What is the renewal cost of the RFI Health Management?

Almost all drivers ignore the fact that the license renewal can also be done at the Health Directorate of the State Railways (or RFI which stands for Italian Railway Network). It is not necessary to be an employee of the railways, as the office is also available to private individuals.

The medical examination carried out at the Health Directorate itself usually costs 45 Euros. If you add the fixed bureaucratic costs, the cost of renewing the license is about 80 euros.

How much does it cost to renew a B licence?

The cost of renewing a B license is exactly the same as any other license. As stated above, the cost varies depending on where you decide to carry out the practices related to the license renewal.

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